Wednesday, January 28, 2009

lets talk bout myself...

Come on.... now it can be hard or simple to understand me...
firstly... i have a certain something against a religion...
secondly... i change frenz all the time...
thirdly... i can survive alone, however i get bored from time to time...
fourthly... i can piss ppl off or make them happy...
fifthly ( is there such a word?? ) .... i like to stick to ppl but i don't like ppl to stick to me
sixthly... i love being rugged...
seventhly... i talk a lot of crap...
eighthly... i sometime make bad jokes, say the wrong thing but i dun mean it
ninthly... once i'm in... i hate to get rid...
tenthly... wait... what the fuck... if u wanna know more bout me... juz come to me...

i can hardly explain myself about myself...

Ok.... now...follow me...into the randominess

Lets blog ... wait... lets not...
why?... coz i have nothing to blog about...
what should i say?? my pathetic $48 dollars ang bao money and i dun mean juz one of it but in total...
or that my internet was down last night... and i had to suffer in silence of doing nothing the whole night?
or the outing i had with the girls and dan?? wouldn't someone else have covered it?why would we want 2 to 3 of the same story when u can simply read it from their blogs... look...i even linked them under 'my associates'...
I'm madly in love with the mafia... no doubt they are not exactly nice and friendly but u nv know... i wanna buy a ring... one that resembles a mafia... CAPICHE!?
now for my holiday resolution... lose weight... i know it gonna be all talk again but i guess it can't be help...why can't losing weight be like drinking water... nice, sweet and simple... gulp gulp gulp...done!! 20 pounds gone...
ytd i read about white phosporus bullet... which burn the person after he got's just AWESOME... i wanna do weapon defence...but more of it... i wanna do the desruction part...
I want money to buy a DSLR and new Lappy...
plans for the future... buy house...wait...find gf and get married 1st... then buy car... have kids... and retired then wait for death...
awesome...i juz sum up all whole life as usual... 人生苦短...i suppose everyone knows that...
i wanna try everything in the world... including drugs... i'll take pills... syringe are not so safe... sekali kena aids then... my life plan is to wait and die...
Thank you for the trip through my randominess...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

WHAHAHAHAHA!!!!... i had a dream last night... ***** came in again... this time is also very itimate... but i should know... all this are dreams.. YET THET FEEL SO GOOD!!!!
dreaming is fun for me coz not only do i put emotions into it... i can also feel the dream...if u hit me... i feel the pain...juz like a normal if u rub me... i get aroused into my dream but it clearly depends on who rubs me... so last night with a little club music... a slow yet sleazy dancing routine and a very excited man (that's me)...

I woke up feeling GREAT... despite the fact that i had to go and 大 X ard 7 plus am...

*****...难道你真的是我的命中注定... if there is the case...ain't i just lucky?

Friday, January 16, 2009

now... i'm really emo-ing. . . . . .

Today i feel super sad... my mind muz be thinking of something...infact... it is always thinking of something or someone... i cannot bear the cycle of unison and separation... i hate thing to end... i juz want things to continue the way it always was... a new year means... another group of friends... i don't want another group... but sometimes being in the current one makes me have doubts... man and woman still act differently... somethings woman do on their own...somethings man do on their own... somethings they will never do when they are together... being the thorn among the roses... am i really welcome... what if this thorn is really irritating and would rather be discarded... are all the insult jokes or do some sort of truth lies within...

A fragile heart i now possess... vulnerability is at its maximum... i've had enough... people always talk about...meeting my so and so friend... but me? frankly... i don't have such fortune... was i born destined to be alone... what is the existance of life? wait...i'm sure i have blogged something ike this before... my eyes have tear that falls like a shooting star... my heart which no one see... is actually made of glass... it's very easy to break me if i put a little of my emoticon into something but as much as i try not it... it still happens... lies would be great on me...

As the long nights passes by... i do not understand myself more and more... i though i was very anti about life... but it seems i want so much more... what do i want... i wake up feeling lost as ever... as if i missed out on somethings important... my hollow heart has been filled with something call misery...yes... i'm full of misery alone... perhaps i nv realsie until now... coz i'm ignorant?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

你一定会喜欢这一首歌, 罗志祥的“搞笑“。。。

那一条牙膏 在对我傻笑 嘲笑我永远用不掉
想睡就睡 想闹就闹 好快乐少了人捞叨
蓝色的碗盘 多买了一套 我忘了没人陪我通霄
要多少替代的丑角 无辜的陪笑

我在搞笑 借着热闹 掩盖着心跳 边哭边笑
偏要说着 一个人真好 当人群散了 突然觉得我可以死掉
我受不了 还在搞笑 害怕回家 不知怎么熬
这么多年 早就喜欢 有你的撒娇
我想我能熬 但是至少要让我知道

我们的小狗 食量变好小 眼神里常常显得无聊
他习惯睡觉的床位 少了一双脚 所以他常常看着门口睡不着

我在搞笑 借着热闹 掩盖着心跳
边哭边笑 偏要说着 一个人真好
当人群散了 突然觉得我可以死掉 我受不了

我在搞笑 却在最后 眼泪拼命掉 你的离开 失去多少
我计算不了 忙完了一天 突然觉得又何必辛劳
对谁炫耀 还在搞笑 是否拥有 麻痹的疗效
唱一夜歌 却避不开 催泪的曲调
我彻夜胡闹 希望听到有人会提到


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Today is the 14th week of school, so soon i will go into a another deep sleep..wait i meant holiday.. a long vacation and commence my 3rd year, of course as usual, this has nothing to do with what i'm gonna blog about next... come on... every one knows my style... i blog random stuff as always so here goes my next blog... the comparison between Asians and White people...

Well i was listening to 蔡依林 english song 'kiss me' and i noticed when she pronouce 'you' it sounds like 'chu'... so i began to ponder... is it a slang or a style or could it be the way the taiwanese speaks their english, well its not something that can be easily accepted... what if.. what if it was a slang and she did it on purpose... no one will know anyway cause everyone has the mindset it was due to bad pronoucation... imaging imaging... what will the white people say... hey dude... listen to this shit... she can't sing or pronouce properly even my grandma can do better... isn't this kinda like a complete misconception... so a white person speaks chinese... and pronouce badly... it is known as a good effort to try... the chinese would good... 'wow, its a good attempt' or its very surprizing that you know chinese while looking impressed... you see the difference... the white people would comment about someone trying to learn the language as a imbecile who is uneducated and from a third world country...isn't this just sad...?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year

The lingering presense of you haunt me... guess who is the first one i saw when i haven't even open my eyes...its was you... and the rest of the day...i felt like a lonely loser... tears was threatening to escape while i was having my meal alone... why?

I don't understand why... i want to keep in contact with u... but you won't let me... and i have no reason to... if you even read this... how about dropping me a sms... if you dun have my number in which even your mom has it... it's 97279233... juz a Hi would do...

I'm super moody now and i think i'm gonna go to get myself a chivas on the rock now... till then...